Reminder: HUGE Homeschool Sale!
I just wanted to send a quick reminder this morning about a wonderful opportunity you have to not only get a HUGE assortment of homeschool resources for a small price, but also help out a homeschool family in their time of need. (This sale ends midnight on Friday, January 29th!)
Some of you may be familiar with the wonderful homeschooling company, Hands and Hearts. The owners, Jeff and Kate Estes, create fabulous hands-on history kits you can use to supplement your history studies.
Not one of us is immune to life’s trials, but the Estes family has experienced more than their share. I cannot tell you how much I admire their deeply rooted faith. If you’ve had a chance to follow Kate’s blog, you know that in the midst of their darkest hours, their faith and peace has been a tremendous inspiration.
These past several years have produced a string of exceptional trials for this family:
- Last spring, their Hands and Hearts business was stopped temporarily by unreasonable CPSIA regulations,creating tremendous hardship as the company’s profitability took a nosedive.
Their little 3-year-old Noah suffers with mitochondrial disease. Ultimately, this rare disease will claim his life. He is hospitalized frequently—and often suddenly—leaving Kate to drop everything to rush him to the hospital.
- Jeff has been out of work for many months. He has been unable to land another job that gives him the flexibility to care for their other seven children while Kate is at the hospital with Noah many miles away. Their savings has been exhausted and they are close to losing their home.
When their fellow Christian publishers heard what was going on, we all jumped in to try to help. Check out this incredible way you can bless the Estes family and get nearly 10X your donation back in gifts from homeschool publishers you know and trust, including:
- WriteShop
- Teach Magazine
- Bright Ideas Press
- A Journey Through Learning
- Raising Real Men
- and many more!
Not only that, if you donate $39 or more, your name also goes into a drawing for several Super Prize Packages. There are two Grand Prizes valued at over $849 each, and three First Prizes, valued at over $100 each.
If you would like to receive a fantastic assortment of homeschool goodies while helping Jeff and Kate, please click here. Even if you’re not a homeschooler and you would just like to make a donation without taking the products, you’re welcome to do that as well. The sale continues through January 29, 2010.
January 26, 2010 at 9:29 AM
Thanks. I was waiting to hear the paypal was fixed!
January 29, 2010 at 11:39 AM
I have tried to access the donation link so many times, and it always says that the web is not available (the typical Internet Explorer message when a web page does not exist). this is supposedly the last day... can someone tell me wat is going on?? I would like to participate if possible! :)
January 29, 2010 at 11:54 AM
I just went in and clicked on the buy now button on the Este's sale page, and it comes up with a Paypal page where you can insert the amount you are donating. You don't even have the Paypal page come up? Let me know more what is happening and I'll try to help you get through. I can contact the Este's if you can't get it. Just email me at:
January 29, 2010 at 5:33 PM
I'm overwhelmed trying to organize this stuff.
I've got a lot of it downloaded, but some of the names are pretty confusing -- how will I ever remember where I got what from? Is there some kind of master list?
January 30, 2010 at 6:23 AM
For those having trouble organizing all the wonderful are some tips:
1-Create a folder on your computer and put everything from this sale in that folder; or
2-I have all my ebooks and audio files organized on my computer under folders. I have main folders called "Ebook Files" and "Audio Files". Under these files I have more folders for different topics, such as "Homeschool-History", "Homemaking", "Home Business", etc. Then when I buy ebooks or audio files, I save them in the appropriate folder.
3-One other thing you can do when you are a part of a big sale like this and you have a lot of things to download - I print out the download page with the complete list of downloads. Then I check them off as I get them downloaded to make sure I remember everything.
I hope this helps those of you who participated in the Estes' sale.
Have a wonderful weekend!