Redeeming the Time With Our Kids  

I have been enjoying a series of posts that Joy over at The Stay-at-Home Missionary has been sharing this week. It is a wonderful series entitled, "Redeeming the Time With Our Kids." It has been such an encouragement to me and I pray it will encourage you as well!

Joy is also holding a giveaway! She is giving away a CD called "Twenty-Four Hours Is All You Get" by Susan Bradrick. Click here to enter to win...deadline is Friday!

It has been a good week in spite of me being sick. I've been battling a bladder and kidney infection, as well as being sick on top of it! Yuck! But I am so thankful for living in a time when we have the medicines to fight these infections. Yes...I'm finding that being thankful amidst hard days brings joy to my heart...and the days seem to go by smoother.

Have a great day and do head over to Joy's blog to enjoy her series!

photo: my two youngest (1 year old son, 2 year old daughter) enjoying each other

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