My daughter's drawings  

My 15 year old daughter loves horses. We do not have horses, but she has enjoyed learning all about horses over the past several years. She has subscribed to a couple different horse magazines, has some horse books, and likes to check out horse books from the library.

Just recently she discovered (by accident) that she can draw horses pretty well by looking at pictures in magazines and then drawing them on paper with pencil.

Here are a few of her drawings for you to enjoy.

This picture of a barn was drawn looking at a photograph in a horse magazine my daughter has. She is in the process of writing a horse novel. We are going to use Learning to Write the Novel Way next year for her Language Arts...she is getting a head start already :). Anyway, this picture she drew to use as an illustration for her book.

This one she drew looking at a picture in a book we just finished reading aloud called, The White Stallion of Lipizza.

If you want to visit my daughter"s horse blog, click here!

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